Who is eligible for busing?In most cases, if a student’s resident school district provides busing for public school students then the student is eligible for busing to and from Saint John Vianney. A student must live more than 2 ½ miles from SJV to be considered for transportation from your township. If the resident school district provides busing for public school students but does not provide busing to SJV, it might provide aide in lieu. See below for explanation. Students who qualify with these criteria are ELIGIBLE for busing. It does not mean they are GUARANTEED busing from their towns.
Does SJV provide private busing?Yes. SJV has busing that currently runs through several areas where busing is not provided through the resident districts. The current charge for the 2024-2025 school year is $1200 which is payable in two installments. The payment due dates for the next school year, 2024-2025 are July 18, 2024, and March 15, 2025. Many of our privately bussed students receive aide in lieu if they live within 20 miles of SJV. This is paid from the resident school district usually in two installments during the school year.
What is aide in lieu?Aide in lieu is a payment made directly to the parent/guardian of a student who is eligible but not provided busing from their resident district. To receive this, you must live more than 2 1/2 miles but less than 20 miles from your door to Saint John Vianney High School. If you are unsure of this distance, we recommend that you use a map site such as Google and verify with your resident district. In order to receive aide in lieu if you are eligible the following steps must be taken: Submit a B6T (Non-public School Transportation Application Form, which is done at registration time and every January for the next school year. Return the completed B7T verification form sent to you from your district. This form must be mailed back to your township (not SJV) by the deadline listed on the form. Your aide in lieu check will be mailed to you from your township after each semester is complete. The 2024-2025 aide in lieu payment is $1177.00 paid in two installments. ** If your town does not provide busing for their public school then you might not be eligible for aide in lieu.
When are bus routes available?Bus routes are planned by your township after all B6T transportation forms (which you will fill out at registration time and then each January for the upcoming school year) are submitted by us. SJV sends the forms to townships for verification. Bus routes are designed and then put out to bid over the summer. You should know by early August if your district has secured busing for your area. Communication from your district will be passed along in various ways depending on the town either by phone call, email, letter, or website.
Who can I contact for more information?For busing questions and more information, please feel free to contact Sue Deatherage, Transportation Coordinator at 732-739-0800 ext. 288, or email deatherage@sjvhs.com.
The Technology Department at Saint John Vianney High School plays a crucial role in integrating technology into the curriculum. The department oversees the school's network, provides training, and maintains a self-sustaining site for tablet maintenance. Since 2004, each student has received their tablet computer reflecting the school's commitment to integrating technology into the learning experience. Over the years, faculty and students have embraced technology, and the curriculum continues to evolve to include digital resources and Artificial Intelligence. The school is equipped with modern technology in every classroom, and parents and students benefit from 24-7 access to teachers' platforms for curriculum details and grades. The school is committed to providing essential skills for student success in the future.
In the classroom, SJV is using the very latest in education technology. Every classroom is equipped with PCs, interactive displays, and PTZ Cameras that empower teachers to present visuals, encourage student interaction, save and archive presentations, and post them on web pages for future reference by the class and absentees. Meanwhile, teachers take advantage of interactive technology, multimedia software, 3D printers, and more to enhance the learning experience. Each student is issued a tablet PC that they can use to perform research, and access our extensive databases as well as the Canvas online learning system.
Saint John Vianney High School and the Diocese of Trenton have policies about the use of technology in schools. The acceptable use policies can be found here:
​The Technology Department is located in the Student Center and works to continually keep current with technology and use it to network with outside sources of information to expand the knowledge base of our users. If you have questions about technology at SJV, please feel free to reach out to Thomas McKenna at mckenna@sjvhs.com, ext. 134 or Christopher Scoles at scoles@sjvhs.com, ext. 257. ​ If you have any technology issues or need assistance create a support ticket by emailing techhelp@sjvhs.com.
The Student Center is also where students can go to learn more about the digital references and resources available to them.