Student Life
At Saint John Vianney High School, student life is incredibly diverse and rich, with opportunities for personal growth and development. The school boasts an extensive range of student-led clubs, organizations, and sports teams, catering to various interests and passions. Additionally, students are encouraged to engage in community service and leadership development programs, providing them with valuable life skills and a sense of social responsibility.
The school prides itself on fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where students are empowered to excel academically and personally. Through various events and activities throughout the year, including class celebrations, fundraising initiatives, and academic competitions, the school nurtures a strong sense of community and school spirit, creating a truly enriching and fulfilling student experience.
If you have any questions about Student Activities, please feel free to reach out to Chiara DelCogliano at delcogliano@sjvhs.com, ext. 127 or Staci Shalkowski at sshalkowski@sjvhs.com, ext. 252.

At Saint John Vianney High School, there is an extensive range of student-led clubs covering a wide variety of interests and passions. These clubs provide students with opportunities to pursue their hobbies, develop new skills, and connect with like-minded peers. From academic and honor societies to special interest clubs and community service organizations, there are numerous options for students to get involved and engage in activities that resonate with their individual interests. The school's commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment is reflected in the breadth of clubs and organizations available to its students.
Who is eligible for busing?In most cases, if a student’s resident school district provides busing for public school students then the student is eligible for busing to and from Saint John Vianney. A student must live more than 2 ½ miles from SJV to be considered for transportation from your township. If the resident school district provides busing for public school students but does not provide busing to SJV, it might provide aide in lieu. See below for explanation. Students who qualify with these criteria are ELIGIBLE for busing. It does not mean they are GUARANTEED busing from their towns.
Does SJV provide private busing?Yes. SJV has busing that currently runs through several areas where busing is not provided through the resident districts. The current charge for the 2024-2025 school year is $1200 which is payable in two installments. The payment due dates for the next school year, 2024-2025 are July 18, 2024, and March 15, 2025. Many of our privately bussed students receive aide in lieu if they live within 20 miles of SJV. This is paid from the resident school district usually in two installments during the school year.
What is aide in lieu?Aide in lieu is a payment made directly to the parent/guardian of a student who is eligible but not provided busing from their resident district. To receive this, you must live more than 2 1/2 miles but less than 20 miles from your door to Saint John Vianney High School. If you are unsure of this distance, we recommend that you use a map site such as Google and verify with your resident district. In order to receive aide in lieu if you are eligible the following steps must be taken: Submit a B6T (Non-public School Transportation Application Form, which is done at registration time and every January for the next school year. Return the completed B7T verification form sent to you from your district. This form must be mailed back to your township (not SJV) by the deadline listed on the form. Your aide in lieu check will be mailed to you from your township after each semester is complete. The 2024-2025 aide in lieu payment is $1177.00 paid in two installments. ** If your town does not provide busing for their public school then you might not be eligible for aide in lieu.
When are bus routes available?Bus routes are planned by your township after all B6T transportation forms (which you will fill out at registration time and then each January for the upcoming school year) are submitted by us. SJV sends the forms to townships for verification. Bus routes are designed and then put out to bid over the summer. You should know by early August if your district has secured busing for your area. Communication from your district will be passed along in various ways depending on the town either by phone call, email, letter, or website.
Who can I contact for more information?For busing questions and more information, please feel free to contact Sue Deatherage, Transportation Coordinator at 732-739-0800 ext. 288, or email deatherage@sjvhs.com.
Student Government
Student government plays a vital role in representing the voice of the student body. Comprised of elected student leaders, the student government works to organize class-level activities and facilitate initiatives that enhance the overall student experience. Through their active involvement in decision-making processes and their commitment to advocating for student needs, the student government contributes to creating a vibrant and inclusive school environment. Additionally, the student government fosters leadership skills and civic responsibility among its members, preparing them for future endeavors and instilling a sense of pride and ownership in the Saint John Vianney High School community.
Students who are interested in student government can contact Chiara DelCogliano at delcogliano@sjvhs.com or reach out to their class moderator directly. ​
Class Moderators
Class of 2025- Chiara DelCogliano, delcogliano@sjvhs.com
Class of 2026- Krista Conklin, kconklin@sjvhs.com
Class of 2027- Christine O'Connor, coconnor@sjvhs.com
Class of 2028- Brittany Slick, slick@sjvhs.com