College Credit Courses
For students to have the best opportunities available, Saint John Vianney High School offers several programs and a range of courses that offer opportunities that are beyond the typical high school curriculum choices. With the Early College Academy in partnership with Brookdale Community College, Course Ahead Program through Georgian Court University, Advanced Placement (AP) courses, and the Dual Enrollment classes through Brookdale Community College, Georgian Court University, University of Delaware, and Seton Hall University, the college credit courses available at Saint John Vianney High School truly give your child the advantage of higher education at an early age. The rigorous coursework and excellent instruction provide a high quality foundation for lifelong curiosity and learning.
If students have the intellectual drive to participate in college-level courses while still in high school, they can reap life-long benefits. Taking any of SJV's college credit courses will help to prepare students for the demands of college. However, these opportunities can also broaden their scholastic horizons at a young age, so that by the time they enter college they will be less overwhelmed and able to find and pursue their academic passions.
Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement courses are college-level courses offered during high school. The College Board, the same organization that writes the SATs, administers an examination during the first weeks of May each school year for each AP course. The score on this test is what individual universities will use to determine whether or not they offer students credit for the class. SJV is excited to offer a wide array of AP courses, including:
Art History
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
English Language & Composition
English Literature & Composition
Physics 1
Physics 2
Studio Art
US Government
US History
World History

Dual Enrollment
In addition to the Early College Academy, Saint John Vianney High School has arranged for academically advanced students to take several courses through local colleges and universities for a reduced tuition rate. SJV's prestigious faculty members teach the courses on our campus during the regular school day - no extra time or travel is required of the student. The grade that a student earns counts toward his/her high school diploma. A student will generate a college transcript while in high school. Current course offerings include:
Brookdale Community College
American Civilization I
Introduction to Psychology
American Civilization II
Programming I
Computer Logic & Design
Programming II
Database Concepts
English Composition: The Writing Process
Short Story
English Composition: Writing & Research
System Analysis & Design
Seton Hall University
Anatomy & Physiology
University of Delaware
Entrepreneurship Experience
Georgian Court University
Visual Design
Sports Management
Business Law
Christian Tradition
Foundations of Exercise Science & Wellness
Introduction to Business & Personal Finance
Financial Accounting
Management Theory & Organizational Behavior
Transferring Dual Enrollment Credits
All accepting institutions require the receipt of an official Brookdale Community College, Seton Hall University, University of Delaware, or Georgian Court University transcript. The majority of college institutions require a grade of C or better for the student to receive credit for a course. Students who plan to attend other colleges or universities should contact their institutions' Admissions or Registrar Office to determine their policy. Since policies do change suddenly, we strongly suggest all students inquire directly at the university/college of their choice. Brookdale Community College, Seton Hall University, University of Delaware, and Georgian Court University cannot guarantee that every course will be accepted by every institution.​