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Greetings Alumni!


Welcome back to your alma mater! We want you to keep those connections you made at SJV for a lifetime! As alumni, you will always be a part of the SJV family. Our mission is to help you stay connected to your classmates and friends while keeping you updated on the latest happenings at Saint John Vianney.


Alums are important to SJV. You are the foundation on which we have grown. We are working daily to uphold and improve SJV’s 50+ years of excellence in academics and athletics. Are you interested in attending a school play? Would you like to cheer the Lancers on to victory? Would you like to help plan your next reunion? We want you to remain White and Gold forever! There is always a place for you here, so please come back and see us. You can find out what is happening at SJV through our alumni emails, which you can subscribe to by filling out the Alumni Information Update form.


You are a vital part of SJV’s past, present, and future, and we hope that you come back and join us through participation in our alumni programs and activities. We’d love to see you at an upcoming event or on your next visit to campus! Remember, once a Lancer, always a Lancer!




Kelly Meany

Class of 1992

Alumni & Public Relations Coordinator

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Saint John Vianney High School

Saint John Vianney High School is a ministry of the Diocese of Trenton. As such, this school follows all doctrines and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and operates under the authority of the Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton, together with the administration of the Department of Catholic Schools.

540A Line Road

Holmdel, New Jersey 07733

(732) 739-0800

© 2024 Saint John Vianney High School. All Rights Reserved.

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